Telia Personal Work – products and services for your business

Unified Endpoint Management 

When the number of devices within an organisation grows, it doesn’t have to mean that their management becomes more difficult. The solution is Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). UEM provides a single solution for managing all the company’s devices which are equipped with modern operating systems.  

As well as devices, UEM allows the company to manage also its wireless network and email settings, for example. This ensures that its employees can focus on what’s important – the work itself.

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Rock-solid information security  

Unified Endpoint Management is the toughest armor a company has for protecting information security. It ensures that the company’s data never ends up in the wrong hands. For example, if a single phone belonging to the company is lost, the phone itself and any applications in it can be reset remotely. Without UEM, all the data would remain in the device, for anyone to access.

How to obtain Unified Endpoint Management 

You can acquire UEM in two ways: 

  • Buy a package containing a device and the management service

You will get the management service and a fully featured device that has been preconfigured and is ready to go. The user simply logs into the device with their username and password, which means that the settings and applications are exactly what the company has ordered.  

  • Add the management service to your current device The management service can also be added to the user’s current device. The service supports Android, iOS, macOS and Windows devices and all of the most common device models. 

Mobile Application Management 

In addition to Unified Endpoint Management, a company can adopt Mobile Application Management (MAM). MAM makes it possible to add and remove any applications the company wants in its devices and to manage licenses.

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Mobile Content Management 

In addition to Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM), your company can adopt Mobile Content Management (MCM).

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Identity management

When a company controls devices, applications and content in a centralised way, the next potential step is to adopt Mobile Identity Management. Mobile Identity Management brings the single sign-on we all know from computers to mobile devices.

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Do you want hear more about the service?

Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have regarding Enterprise mobility management services.

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What are ICT problems made of?

According to the ICT study recently commissioned by Telia, ICT is a constant problem within as much as a third of all companies. A good question to ask then, as most people know that there is a direct correlation between well-functioning ICT and success, is why doesn’t every company fix their ICT issues?

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Good, Better, Knox

Samsung Knox is often titled the world’s safest mobile operating system. Governments all over the world rely on Samsung Knox, including the Finnish state administration. But what sets it apart from other similar systems?

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