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ICT wellbeing

What on Earth is ICT wellbeing?

Most people already know that satisfied employees are more efficient and productive. The role of ICT in a company’s success is also an undisputed fact.

However, few come to think that these two are actually connected. When computers and other devices work smoothly, it increases wellbeing. And that’s not all – people also become more productive. That’s what ICT wellbeing is all about. A win-win situation, don’t you think?

Support, not stress

Your computer stalls, your phone runs out of battery, and your internet connection glitches – these situations are far too familiar in many workplaces. What if it was different? What if technology worked so well you wouldn’t even notice it?

ICT wellbeing means that technology supports people and their work instead of getting in the way. When technology works without fail, it has two groundbreaking consequences: people are more satisfied at work, and their productivity increases. That’s why it’s odd that there are still companies that view devices as nothing but an expense to be minimized.

Remote work, yes please!

The traditional nine-to-five model is history in many workplaces. Nowadays, we work regardless of time and place – whether at home with a sick child or waiting for the plane at the airport.

However, devices need to operate smoothly so they can be used anywhere, anytime. ICT wellbeing increases when information security works and documents and systems can be accessed anywhere – perhaps on your phone during that cab ride.

Freedom to choose

In the old days, coffee was coffee. Nowadays, some people may prefer a decaf latte with oat milk. The same demands show at work. An increasing number of employees want to choose their own work devices, because tablets and phones are not just used for communication in the office – they also send a message about who we want to be.

The freedom to choose your own work devices is at the core of ICT wellbeing, and our study shows that it’s directly linked to satisfaction at work.

Who doesn’t want easier everyday life

Phones and other devices follow us from the moment we wake up to the minute we doze off. ICT wellbeing doesn’t just mean satisfaction at work – it also means devices that make everyday life easier around the clock.

Sometimes you need to send work e-mails at home and sometimes you need to call the daycare from the office. Mixing work and leisure time isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because it makes everyday life easier. ICT wellbeing also means being able to use your work devices at home without artificial restrictions.

ICT wellbeing – proven important

Because ICT wellbeing is a relatively new and unknown concept, we decided to conduct a study on the subject. Our poll shows what we already anticipated: that workplace satisfaction is clearly connected to functional devices and applications. Or was someone surprised that employees are more satisfied in companies that focuses on remote work?

Read the summary of our study

What are ICT problems made of?

According to the ICT study recently commissioned by Telia, ICT is a constant problem within as much as a third of all companies. A good question to ask then, as most people know that there is a direct correlation between well-functioning ICT and success, is why doesn’t every company fix their ICT issues?

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More integrated mobile devices, please!

The effects of ICT on wellbeing have previously been based on mere guesswork, but now we’ve conducted the first study on the topic. The results show that ICT wellbeing is crucial, as proved by the nearly hundred company decision makers who answered our poll.

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What ICT Wellbeing Is and Why It’s Important

Phones, computers, and tablets follow us from the moment we wake up to when we doze off again. That’s why it’s crucial that they work smoothly.

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5 tips for working from home when your child is sick

Nothing tests the benefits of cloud services, laptops, and internet connection like your child getting sick. And yes, sometimes it’s best to just stay home and take care of the little one.

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Ergonomics outside the office

You walk out of the office with a headache and commute with neck pain. Sound familiar? You could blame your migraine or the crummy hotel room pillows, but most aches and pains result from bad posture during remote work.

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